This game is between Liao Yuanhe 9P and Lian Xiao 9P, black wanted to block the top right corner, what is the move?

In the real game, black played 1, 3 to block the corner with force.

It became a ko afterwards.

White 1 started the ko and lead to an exchange, AI think black is a bit in deficit.

Black 1, a very strange move is what AI recommend.
If white 2 jump, black 3 is brilliant.
Black could avoid the ko!
If white 2 nobi, black 3 could attach to divide the white.
White 2 is trying to pressure black's corner.
Black 3 is not reasonable, white 4 is too great.
Black 3 should defend calmly and AI think these exchanges are a small gain for black, it is much better than the real game.
Do you have a link to the game? Who exactly was White and who was Black?